About Jones the Dance

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At Jones the Dance our aim is to challenge who gets to experience dance and who gets to make it.

We try to do this by bringing dance to unexpected places, to be experienced in unexpected ways, and performed by unexpected people. 

We started as Gwyn Emberton Dance but changed our name to Jones the Dance when we realised that with each project we were trying to build a community and not just making work, even if it that community was for one night, one performance or one workshop through to year long projects.

Choreographer and dancer Gwyn Emberton, who is now the Artistic Director, and Kate Perridge our Executive Producer, founded the company in 2015 and since we started, we have made and toured theatre productions, made an immersive film, created youth dance projects for young Deaf people and young people who are rurally isolated in Gwyn’s old neighbourhood, and collaborated with dancers, artists, creatives and communities on each project whether in Wales or internationally. We been part of large international projects to small meetings with schools and companies in Europe, with our shows being performed in the Middle East and Hong Kong.

Check out the pages on the website about current projects and ones we have in the pipeline. If you are interested in knowing more please get in touch with Gwyn or Kate.

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Cast & Creatives

Who we are

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