
BABULUS - iCoDaCo 2016/17

Babulus brings together Gwyn Emberton and Eddie Ladd with choreographers Lee Brummer and Israel Aloni from Swedish Dance Company Ildance and Finnish choreographer Johanna Nuutinen as part of iDoDaCo 2016 (international contemporary dance collective) in this intimate dance theatre production. 

Five internationally recognised dancer-choreographers present this compelling but raw work.  Coming from very different artistic backgrounds and with different creative voices, they expose the joys, challenges and pitfalls of making a show together.

With dance, song and storytelling across multiple languages, Babulus questions the how and why of communication and what we do when we cannot hide behind words. It asks what happens when our means to communicate is taken away from us, and wonders if censorship and self-censorship are one and the same.

Created and performed by

Gwyn Emberton

Eddie Ladd

Lee Brummer

Israel Aloni

Johanna Nuutinen

Lighting and space design: Joe Fletcher

Music by: Oscar Collin


My People